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ABOUT - The Grace Foundation


The foundation is a ministry commission in my hands by GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT, I have been anointed as a tool in the hand of God from the womb to pray and preach the gospel of God to mankind.
Isaiah 61:1″ The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound”.

Not only to preach the gospel but also to have meaningful impact in the lives of people globally. 1Thessalonians 2:8 ” so, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us”.

I have grown up to known myself as a passionate giver. When growing up, I knew myself to be that child who had many times bursted into tears whenever I offer either my food or money to my aunties or friends then, and it’s being rejected.

At age 19, I have started the ministry, praying for people, counseling them, given vision and meeting the needs of the less privilege within my capacity.

In addition, at age 30, I asked God through Holy Spirit to define my calling for me, so I could know the exact area in which He want me to be useful to Him. I was actually thinking God was going to ask me to build a church for Him and to head the church, but what He revealed to me was far beyond that.

In that revelation; I met myself under a very giant tree full of leaves with so many people, I mean so many kind of people with different languages. I was standing in front of them sharing the word of God and given them what appeared like white cake and water. After the revelation, I prayed vehemently to know the real meaning because in this ministry I would not want to do things without God’s knowledge. Few days after that day, I heard the voice that says ” you my child, go out there, feed the poor and the needy; do not share the gospel without feeding the hungry”. I remembered I responded to the voice like this ” I thought I am to work for God?” Immediately I said that, then I was being referred to the book of Proverbs 19:17 ” He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD….”

Since then, I took it upon myself to give more to the less privileged around me with my own resources. Whenever anyone come for prayer or counseling at my place and such individual lacks one thing or another, I am always ready to fund such person after prayer.


Granting wishes that would give hope to the hopeless, i.e the poor and the needy as being led by God through the Holy Spirit, in our area of tentacles.


We are a passionate team driven by the Holy Spirit and deeply committed to our mission. We seek understanding, build trust and create opportunities for the hopeless. We are mouthpieces for the needy. We also believe each individual has extraordinary skills and talents just waiting to be realized if well monitored, cater for, nurtured, groomed and supported.


Our administrative laws are in conformity with all rules and regulations already in place by the regulatory body in charge of this kind of program in Nigeria.


Seeking to put God's love into action by connecting people conveniently, investing in the lives of children, youth, elders, the aged especially the widows and orphans in building an enabling environment needed to thrive, and in the same vein empowering them in creating a lasting change in their respective lives and communities. James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world".


a. To work for the social development of the under privilege, individuals, widows, orphans, unemployed groups and communities in and outside Nigeria

b. To support aged people, children, and youth beyond parental control, build and finance the running of old people's homes, support motherless and orphanages as well as the development, support, propagation programs and projects of moral and spiritual teachings.


i. Director: Agunbiade Funmilayo Grace Bamidele
ii. Paul Temidayo Babatunde



Agunbiade Funmilayo Grace Bamidele

Foundation Advisers

Sarfaraz Uddin-

New Delhi India

Foundation Advisers

Willie Torres.

Chicago, US.

board of trustee

Paul Temidayo Babatunde

(+234) 8029063467
(+234) 8037597969

Head Office: 6 Nwaonai Crescent, Opposite Laspotech, Ikorodu, Lagos.